Easy Trip

What's New in Windows Easy Trip Version 2.2b



The Driver's Times can be found on the second tab on the standard Reservation Edit screen. A new button has been added next to the Driver's Times, to automatically transfer the Reservation Pick Up and Drop Off Times to the two times that appear in Blue. The times can be transferred at any point by clicking on this new button. The Driver's Times can then be modified if needed.


A discount can now be added to any Unposted Reservation, from the Miscellaneous Charge Tab on the Reservation Edit screen. If a Discount was entered on the Billing Tab for a Customer, then a discount will automatically be generated for any Reservation for that Customer. The discount  will appear on Miscellaneous Charge Four in the Reservation.

This new feature is used if you need to modify the discount percentage or add a discount for a specific Reservation. On the bottom of the Miscellaneous Charge Tab is a field where the discount percentage is entered. Once the percent is entered, click the "Add Discount" button. The new calculated discount will appear as  negative amount in the Miscellaneous Charge Four box.





With the mouse on the Right Panel, which is the List View of Reservations, clicking the right mouse button will bring up a window with the following options: Edit Reservations, Print Reservation, and Routing Information.

Only Unposted or UnCancelled Reservations can be modified from the "Edit Reservation" option. The information that can be changed is the Pick Up and Drop Times, assigned Driver and Vehicle, and the Reservation Status.  This edit option can also be activated by highlighting a Reservation in the List View and then double clicking the mouse.

All of the Routing information and the Driver's instructions can be modified by selecting the "Routing Information" option.

( Page Modified on 09/25/99 )

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